First Summer School on Earth Observation for International Development

First Summer School on Earth Observation for International Development


October 7, 2019

The first summer school on Earth observation for international development took place from 26 – 29 August 2019 at the University of Würzburg. 20 participants from GIZ and cooperating organizations fom Germany, Philippines, Congo, Ethiopia and Namibia visited Würzburg to learn the the full process of designing and implementing satellite-based monitoring approaches in the context of international development tasks.

The summer school aimed to train international technical experts, users and project planners on EO-related topics and innovative approches like:

Satellite missions and sensor types
Data gateways
EO project design
Data integration and preprocessing
Classifciation techniques and value adding
Accuracy and product quality assessment
Long-term implementation for operational monitoring
Operationalization of EO in administration

As a first launch of the training format, ecpecially designed for consultants and planners in the context of international development, the group appreciated a detailed and very personal training course to implement state of play and future EO technologies for environmental monitoring and reporting processes.

The first training was organized in cooperation with DLR-EOC and GIZ. A next training course is in planning for 2020. Please visit us on to get informed for the next training and registration dates.

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