rsMove article published

rsMove article published

June 11, 2019

a new publication is available online:

“rsMove – A Linking Animal Movement and Remote Sensing through R” by Ruben Remelgado, Martin Wegmann and Kamran Safi.

Those that see remote sensing as a tool to address ecological questions often face difficulties choosing data among barrage of datasets. Every year, new products are developed, but their potential to solve ecological questions is not always clear to practitioners. Moreover, combining remote sensing and movement data has it’s challenges as a consequence of the differences in spatial and temporal resolution between both data.

While these issues are persistent, they often miss a clear answer, especially when movement ecologists lack the support of remote sensing specialists. In this context, rsMove is of great help. This R package provides tools that guide ecologists in the selection of remote sensing data and helps combine it with movement data. A paper for the package was recently published in Methods in Ecology and Evolution ( offering a concise, step-by-step methodology to deal with the mentioned issues addressing them from the perspective of a remote sensing expert.

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