the ESA Living Planet Symposium list of talks and sessions is now online and can be accessed here.
We are happy to have talks by Ruben Remelgado on “remote sensing and animal movement” and Martin Wegmann on “remote sensing in ecology and conservation” accepted.
Some interesting sessions focusing explicitly on “Remote Sensing and Biodiversity” are:
- Essential Biodiversity Variables, day 3, room 9, 10-12h
- Biodiversity/Terrestrial Ecosystems, day 3, room 9, 1pm-3pm
- Biodiversity/Aquatic Ecosystems, day 3, room 9, 3pm-5pm
but some other talks and sessions are also related to biodiversity and conservation topics. Please browse through the program.
The sessions have been organised and will be chaired by Marc Paganini, Andrew Skidmore, Nathalie Pettorelli and Martin Wegmann