UAS imagery during the Biodiversity day of the JMU Biocenter

UAS imagery during the Biodiversity day of the JMU Biocenter


June 18, 2023

This weekend the biocenter, namely the Department of Animal Ecology and Tropical Biology, organised within the ConservES project by Sarah Redlich, a 24h biodiversity citizen science event at the University Campus. The same area was used by our UAS team for sensor comparison and data examples (see here for some of the images). This weekend we supported them with some aerial images and videos and are looking forward to the next biodiversity citizen science project with more remote sensing related content how we can support biodiversity monitoring and conservation. Beyond this 24h event we also work closely with the biology departments to monitor agricultural areas, grasslands and forest for a variety of biodiversity research – more details about these activities and results on this webpage.


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