UAS Lidar and multispectral field work on Zugspitze

UAS Lidar and multispectral field work on Zugspitze

April 24, 2023

Last week we spend some time on the UFS research station at Zugspitze to collect Lidar, multispectral and thermal data from UAS/UAV systems. The weather was great for collecting data and we had plenty of snow to walk through to our launch site.

Various systems were used and acquired data, from TLS to ALS and some of our EAGLE MSc. students helped a lot with the data acquisition. We already plan the next field work and also collecting data of other sites within the area.

We mainly used the M300 system with dual payloads to collect as much data as possible with the shortest time due to the unpredictable weather in the Alps. Luckily the weather was quite stable for the whole time even though the forecast predicted storm and snow/rain.

Also walking with snowshoes through the fresh snow was an experience especially with all the heavy equipment. The results will be posted soon.

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