Today, Prof Dr Christian Geiß successfully passed his habilitation colloquium at the University of Würzburg. The topic of his lecture was on “Earth observation techniques for monitoring wars and conflicts” – a subject area that is still comparatively underrepresented in previous remote sensing research, but is now moving more into focus due to recent developments. In the lecture and the subsequent debate, topics such as the environmental impact of wars and conflicts, direct measurement of damage to the built environment and impact assessments and forecasts were discussed. The colloquium was moderated by Prof Dr Rauh and the habilitation was mentored by chairman Prof Dr Stefan Dech, by Prof Dr Heiko Paeth, and by Prof Dr Hannes Taubenböck. Congratulations on the successful colloquium!
In his habilitation he worked on “Collective sensing and artificial intelligence techniques for natural hazard risk and impact assessment“. We have reported on this: