Earth Observation Research and Training Hub

International Training

Environment Analysis

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Our Training

Landscape Status

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Landscape Change

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Applied Training

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About Us

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Our Trainings

From Our Clients

“Vestibulum ac diam sit amet quam vehicula elementum sed sit amet dui. Proin eget tortor risus. Sed porttitor lectus nibh. Cras ultricies ligula sed magna dictum porta. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci”

Melvin Thornton

“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing, elit massa sollicitudin posuere hendrerit mi, risus aptent class sem conubia. Vitae habitasse lacinia augue tincidunt justo posuere hendrerit, euismod dictu.”

Nicholas Vasquez

“Conubia felis urna placerat vulputate netus tortor habitant nostra ligula enim libero, purus suscipit lobortis ad praesent vivamus habitasse sodales curabitur et. Dui venenatis conubia neque leo accumsan urna nisi”

Mattie Casey

Our PhD candidate Ines Standfuss teaches at AniMove

Our PhD candidate Ines Standfuss is teaching remote sensing for animal movement analysis this year at MPI at Lake Constanze. The AniMove science school has been founded more than ten years ago together with MPI and other organisations such as Smithsonian joined in the...

Learning by doing: science communication by our WASCAL guests

Some of our current visiting scientists from West Africa took the opportunity to talk to festival visitors about their current work and their experiences in Germany in the university tent at the Africa Festival in Würzburg. Adamou Aisssatou Sitta (Niger), Aliou...

International Staff Week at PSL University in Paris

Within the ERASMUS+ staff mobility program that the University of Würzburg offers its employees, our administrative assistant Sabine Oppmann had the chance to be part of the International Staff Week at PSL Université in Paris to exchange and network with...

Spatial training for biologist

Remote sensing and GIS skills are also highly relevant for other disciplines such as biology. Within our collaboration with the biology faculty, specifically the department of tropical biology and animal ecology as well as the department of conservation biology, we...

New guest joining us from Burkina Faso: Aliou GADIAGA

We are delighted to welcome Aliou GADIAGA, our newest guest scientist, to Würzburg. Since his arrival in March 2024 from Burkina Faso, he has integrated into our research community. Aliou has a Bachelor in Geography and Master Degree in GIS and Remote sensing applied...

The LANDSURF project welcomes Barbara Baidoo in Würzburg

Barbara Baidoo, a PhD Fellow at UNU-INRA, is involved in our LANDSURF project (funded by BMBF through WASCAL within the WASCAL II frame) while pursuing her doctoral studies at the Department of Geography and Resource Development, University of Ghana, Legon. Her...

New guest: Aissatou Sitta Adamou

Our newest guest scientist Aissatou SITTA ADAMOU from Niamey (Republic of Niger) arrived in Würzburg in early February. Aissatou will stay in Würzburg until the end of June 2024. Our colleague, Prof. Dr. Heiko Paeth head of the working group climatology is part of her...

Adjowa Yéwa Tossoukpe just arrived from Lomé, Togo

 Shortly before Christmas, our newest guest scientist Adjowa Yéwa TOSSOUKPE from Lomé (Togo) arrived in Würzburg. Adjowa will stay with us until the end of April 2024. Our colleague Michael Thiel is part of her supervisory team at the Federal University of Science and...

New Guest Scientist: Ernestina Annan

Since a couple of days we host a new guest scientist from Ghana here with us in Würzburg. Mrs. Ernestina Annan is PhD student at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Kumasi. Together with our partner Prof. Dr. Markus Disse from Technical...

Our EAGLE lecturer also trains ESA astronauts

One of our EAGLE lecturer; Dr. Doris Klein, is not only teaching remote sensing to our international EAGLE students but also to future astronauts! Great to see that earth observation is also trained within other disciplines than our own specific remote sensing MSc....